Bringing Broadband to Rural America
Broadband access in rural areas is linked to increased job and population growth, higher rates of new business formation and home values, and lower unemployment rates.
High-speed broadband internet service has transitioned from a luxury good to an increasingly necessary utility.1 Rural regions are particularly susceptible to poor broadband infrastructure coverage, however, because they pose a costly business case for providers. The economic case for rural broadband infrastructure, though, is compelling despite its cost: Broadband access and adoption in rural areas is linked to increased job and population growth, higher rates of new business formation and home values, and lower unemployment rates. Unlike with many other types of infrastructure, the long-run benefits of broadband access could grow exponentially, given the potential for innovation and productivity gains it provides.2,3
In the near term, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrust the problem to the forefront of policy discussions. Employers are using remote work as a tool to protect the health and safety of their employees. Similarly, schools are offering online learning or hybrid approaches. Remote work and distance learning are difficult to achieve without a broadband internet connection at home that is fast enough to handle their audio and video requirements. At the same time, increased demand for online services during the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed speeds for those who have access.4
The Pew Research Center conducted a national survey at the beginning of the pandemic that drives home the importance of reliable internet service.5 The internet was a source of information about the coronavirus and a tool for connecting with doctors and other medical professionals for both urban and rural respondents: 62 percent of rural respondents searched online for coronavirus information, and 13 percent used the internet for communicating with health professionals. One quarter of all respondents and 14 percent of rural respondents used the internet to work remotely.
Lack of access to broadband internet in rural areas is not a new problem. Low population density and long distances to existing infrastructure make the upfront cost of infrastructure expansion high for providers. Once built, rural areas have lower adoption rates due to lower average incomes, a higher share of the population that is elderly or disabled, and lower average levels of educational attainment. A costly build out combined with low probability of paying for it with customers make some rural places an unattractive business case for broadband service.6
How big of a problem is lack of access to broadband service? Over 18 million Americans lack access to high-speed broadband service, according to the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) 2019 broadband deployment report.7 This figure, however, is widely seen as an underestimate of the true problem. Census blocks are considered served by broadband internet if just one household or business can “reasonably” be serviced. In urban areas, census blocks are reasonably small. In rural areas, though, census blocks can be hundreds of square miles. Alternative measures of access to broadband service put the number of unserved Americans as high as 42 million.8
To finish broadband expansion in the United States, large subsidies will likely be needed. Alternative technologies may be required in high-cost areas where rapid expansion is needed. Alternative providers may also be needed, and -- where no potential private-sector provider exists – public-private partnerships may be needed to propel infrastructure projects forward.
Local economic impacts of broadband access and adoption
Access to broadband internet service holds the potential for boosting overall economic growth. Communication infrastructure helps to improve coordination and reduce transaction costs in the marketplace. According to an article by Czernich et al., it also “may further facilitate macroeconomic growth by accelerating the distribution of ideas and information, fostering competition for and development of new products and processes, and facilitating the introduction of new work practices, entrepreneurial activities and improved job matching.”9 One study of the economic impacts of broadband infrastructure expansion among 25 developed countries found that a 10 percentage point increase in broadband access resulted in a 0.9 to 1.5 percentage point increase in annual per capita growth.10
Can large-scale economic gains translate down to the local level in rural areas? Overall, despite the limitations of data on broadband access and methodological challenges, the research suggests potentially positive impacts of broadband on local economies.11,12 Effects tend to be stronger in rural areas that are closer to metropolitan areas than in more remote regions, and the use of broadband (adoption) rather than access alone is more powerful.
Studies of the economic impacts of broadband expansion into rural areas can be broadly categorized into local labor market effects, benefits accruing to consumers, benefits accruing to businesses and homeowners, and benefits accruing to participants in telemedicine and distance learning. Highlights of these findings follow:
- Studies of local labor markets have found positive impacts of broadband access and adoption on business location decisions and employment growth in rural areas, although the impact of broadband on business activity is generally larger in urban areas.13,14,15,16 Isolating the effects of broadband infrastructure on economic activity is difficult, since access and economic growth tend to increase simultaneously, making it difficult to establish causality. One study that attempted to uncover the causal effect of broadband expansion on economic growth found some evidence of a positive effect, with the strongest employment impacts on technology-reliant industries.17
- Consumers can choose from a wider array of goods and services when broadband access is available. The ability to shop online helps consumers save money. Economists have used surveys of these savings to estimate the economic benefit of gaining access to broadband service at an annual savings of $1,850 per household.18 A study from Ohio State University extrapolated these savings to estimate the economic benefits of gaining access to broadband service for Ohio’s rural residents at $1.9 billion over 15 years.19 Extrapolating this approach to all counties in the United States under a conservative adoption rate of 20 percent would yield $43.8 billion over 15 years.20 Chart 1, below, estimates the annual economic benefit to consumers using the same approach as the Ohio State University study.
- Local businesses can benefit from access to broadband in several ways. High-speed internet can lead to improved matches between jobs and workers, making the hiring process more efficient.21 It can also reduce the cost of sharing knowledge, ideas, and information beneficial to the business. Broadband can also expand the pool of potential customers and reduce the cost of accessing suppliers.22 Farm operations may benefit from the information that the internet can provide, increasing farm output and prices received and lowering input costs. One study estimated that increasing rural broadband access could achieve a 3 percent increase in farm profits across the United States.23
- Homeowners can benefit through higher home values, as broadband is often considered a desirable amenity for prospective buyers. Most home value studies have focused on urban areas, but a recent empirical analysis of the effect of broadband speeds on rural housing values shows that increasing the number of houses in a rural county with faster internet speeds by 10 percent results in an average increase in housing values from $230 to $661. Higher home values can translate into increased property tax revenues, thereby increasing the availability of public services.24,25
- Broadband access can create economic benefits in the telemedicine and distance education arenas. Telemedicine can deliver hospital cost savings, transportation savings for patients, and increased service provision.26 What is more, electronic health records, health information exchanges, and mobile health technologies are on the rise.27 Access to telehealth could be especially critical given the challenge of hospital closures in rural America.28 With respect to education, broadband access opens the possibility of providing distance learning options to rural students.29
The Federal Communication Commission’s minimum standard for high-speed internet access is 25 megabits per second upload speed and 3 megabits per second download speed. This standard is likely to increase as demand for video and voice service increases.
de Sa, Paul. 2017. “Improving the Nation’s Digital Infrastructure.” Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis, Federal Communications Commission.
Gallardo, Roberto, Brian Whitacre, Indraneel Kumar, and Sreedhar Upendram. 2020. “Broadband Metrics and Job Productivity: A Look at County-Level Data.” Annals of Regional Science.
Kang, Cecilia, Davey Alba, and Adam Satariano. 2020. “Surging traffic is slowing down our Internet.” The New York Times, March 26.
Anderson, Monica, and Emily A. Vogels. 2020. “Americans turn to technology during COVID-19 outbreak, say an outage would be a problem.” Pew Research Center, March 31.
Feld, Harold. 2019. “Solving the Rural Broadband Equation at the Local Level.” State and Local Government Review 51(4): 242-249.
Federal Communications Commission. 2020. 2020 Broadband Deployment Report.
Busby, John, Julia Tanberk, and BroadbandNow Team. 2020. “FCC Reports Broadband Unavailable to 21.3 Million Americans, BroadbandNow Study Indicates 42 Million Do Not Have Access.” BroadbandNow Research, Feb. 3.
Czernich, Nina, Oliver Falck, Tobias Kretschmer, and Ludger Woessmann. 2011. “Broadband Infrastructure and Economic Growth.” Economic Journal 121(522): 505-532.
For an analysis of broadband access measurement issues in the Federal Reserve’s Fifth District, see “Defining Broadband Coverage: It’s Complicated.”
Whitacre, Brian, Roberto Gallardo, and Sharon Strover. 2014. “Broadband’s contribution to economic growth in rural areas: Moving towards a causal relationship.” Telecommunications Policy 38(11): 1011-1023.
Kim, Younjun, and Peter F. Orazem. 2017. “Broadband Internet and new firm location decisions in rural areas.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99(1): 285-302.
Whitacre, Brian, Roberto Gallardo, and Sharon Strover. 2014. “Does Rural Broadband Impact Jobs and Income? Evidence from Spatial and First-Differenced Regressions.” Annals of Regional Science 53: 649-670.
Holt, Lynne, and Mark Jamison. 2009. “Broadband and Contributions to Economic Growth: Lessons from the US Experience.” Telecommunications Policy 33(10-11): 575-581.
Duvivier, Chloé. 2019. “Broadband and Firm Location: Some Answers to Relevant Policy and Research Issues using Meta-Analysis.” Canadian Journal of Regional Science 42(1): 24-45.
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Nevo, Aviv, John L. Turner, and Jonathan W. Williams. “Usage-Based Pricing and Demand for Residential Broadband.” Econometrica 84(2): 411-443.
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