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Past Workshop

Man points to the chart in front of a small audience
Thu., Nov. 18, 2021 - Fri., Nov. 19, 2021

Richmond Fed-UVA-Duke Research Workshop

A joint workshop between the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, the University of Virginia, and Duke University that brings together researchers, faculty and students to share on-going research work at various stages.

This workshop takes place twice per year on a rotating basis across the three institutions. It began in 2014 as a collaboration between the Richmond Fed and UVA. The workshop brings together researchers, faculty and students to share on-going work in a relaxed setting that facilitates informal discussions and feedback. We encourage presentations of research at various stages of progress, from preliminary work to completed working papers.  The 2021 Fall Workshop is part of the Richmond Fed’s inaugural CORE Week.


headshot of Nicholas Trachter
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Joaquin Saldain
University of Virginia
headshot of Laura Castillo Martinez
Duke University
headshot of Elisa Giannone
Elisa Giannone
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Peter Troyan
University of Virginia
Pengpeng Xiao
Duke University
headshot of Felipe Schwartzman
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond


  • Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021
    01:00 pm


    02:00 pm

    Welcome from Huberto Ennis

    02:30 pm

    Nico Trachter (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) presents the paper “Plants in Space,” joint with Ezra Oberfield, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, and Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte.

    03:30 pm


    03:45 pm

    Joaquin Saldain (University of Virginia) presents the paper “A Quantitative Model of High-Cost Consumer Credit.

    04:45 pm


  • Friday, Nov. 19, 2021
    07:45 am


    08:30 am

    Welcome from Huberto Ennis

    08:45 am

    Laura Castillo-Martinez (Duke University) presents the paper “Firm Exit and Financial Friction,” joint with Gideon Bornstein.

    09:45 am


    10:00 am

    Elisa Gianonne (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) presents the paper “Consumption Segregation.”

    11:00 am


    11:15 am

    Peter Troyan (University of Virginia) presents the paper “A Theory of Simplicity in Games and Mechanism Design,” joint with Marek Pycia.

    12:15 pm


    01:00 pm

    Penpeng Xiao (Duke University) presents the paper “Education, Marriage and Child Development,” joint with Pierre-AndreĢ Chiappori, Monica Costa Dias, and Costas Meghir.

    02:00 pm

    Felipe Schwartzman (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) presents the paper “The Global Phillips Curve,” joint with Paul Ho and Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte.

    03:00 pm


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