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Dates When Speakers Are Unavailable

Speakers are not available for presentations from 10 days before through the Friday after a Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. These dates are known as blackout dates.

Request a Speaker

Want to learn more about the Richmond Fed? We offer a wide range of speakers on a variety of economic and educational topics, including the history and functions of the Federal Reserve, current regional and national economic conditions, banking issues, and payments.

We consider speaking requests for groups of 25 or more from not-for-profit organizations, civic groups, business associations, trade groups, and academic institutions. Groups must be located within the Fifth District, which encompasses the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and most of West Virginia.

We recommend that requests be submitted at least 30 days in advance. We will accommodate requests subject to availability of staff and other considerations. Presentations are appropriate for high school, college and adult audiences. Our speakers are generally not able to speak at private events sponsored by a for-profit company or at events designed for clients or prospective clients. Additionally, Federal Reserve policy prohibits staff from speaking to political organizations, at political gatherings and at fundraising events.

There is no cost associated with this program, and Richmond Fed policy prohibits Bank officers and employees from accepting gifts, honoraria or compensation. We kindly ask that you do not purchase or present any gift or memento that our speakers would be required to decline or return.

Presentation Topics

Raise your Hands!
Federal Reserve Overview

Better understand the Fed's role in the economy by inviting a speaker to share more about about the Federal Reserve’s history, structure and functions.

photo of a Richmond Fed economist delivering a presentation
Economic Conditions

Our economists can discuss national and Fifth District economic conditions as well as select topics on which they have particular expertise.

rolled up money
Banking Issues

Our Supervision, Regulation and Credit department can provide information and resources for bankers on such topics as corporate governance, fraud and evaluating financial performance and portfolio risk.

exchange of check at bank
Payment Services

Our Payments Services departments can provide current research on topics including innovative payments systems and technologies; payments-related policy issues that affect communities, merchants and financial institutions; and trends in cash and currency usage and technology.

Photo of Kevin Woodcox providing training to educators
Professional Development for Educators

Whether you want a one hour or a full-day professional development experience, we can provide resources and instruction in personal finance and/or economics for your high school and community college educators within the Fifth District.

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Corporate Communications (804) 697-8000