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Past Workshop

Man leading a group in a presentation in a fancy room
Fri., April 28, 2023

Economics Teacher Forum

Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Economic Education presents the Economics Teacher Forum, an opportunity to network, share, and get access to up-to-date, ready-made lesson plans. And if you’re willing, it’s a chance for you to share your best material with other teachers.

In this workshop, each teacher-presenter shares an active-learning lesson plan for 15-20 minutes. After three teacher-presenters have gone, there is a small group collaboration time for teachers to work the new material into their planning. All lessons will be made available to participants via a shared Google folder.

This workshop is co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Maggie L. Walker National Historical Site.

For more information contact:

Stephen H. Day, PhD, Director
Center for Economic Education
Virginia Commonwealth University
(804) 828-1628

Who Should Attend

Educators, high school and middle school

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