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Is College Worth It?

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In this video by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, an economist explores one of life’s major financial decisions "Is College Worth It?" The video is designed for educators and financial literacy practitioners that wish to help students choose their future path based on sound research and statistical data. The economist looks at all sides of the college and career decision-making process by discussing the payoffs, challenges and potential options available to students that may wish to pursue a post-secondary education.

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Related Resources

To reinforce the concepts found in the video, check out these other Federal Reserve resources:

Invest in What’s Next: Life After High School is an online mini-course developed by the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond and San Francisco to help students navigate their first major financial decision: what path to pursue after high school. The course encourages students to explore multiple post-secondary education paths and job options, and to think about how investing in their knowledge and skills may contribute to their future well-being.

5E Navigator: High Education, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, asks students two important questions: “What education path is right for me?” and “How might my payoff from education compare to the average person's?” This space exploring edition of 5E Navigator rockets readers on a journey exploring the decision to pursue higher education. Inside, you’ll find information to help you evaluate your education options and the potential returns, plus tips to help you prepare for the flight path you choose.

5E Navigator: Student Loans is the  seafaring edition of 5E Navigator that takes readers on a voyage exploring student loan repayment and how student loans are different from other types of loans. Whether you’re a recent college graduate out at sea or still on shore in school, you’ll find information and tools to help you manage your student loans. This issue designed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond directs students to information and tools designed to manage student loan debt and repayment.

Navigate: Exploring College and Careers is a student workbook from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas that introduces students and their families to the many pathways that lead to education after high school. Navigate provides information to students about how to begin preparing for their future by looking into various careers, school options, the costs of attendance and the importance of financial aid.

Standards Correlations

The content of the video, in conjunction with other instruction, can be used to address the following standards:

Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics

  • Content Standard 13: Income
  • Content Standard 15: Economic Growth
  • Content Standard 19: Unemployment and Inflation

National Standards for Financial Literacy

  • Standard I: Earning Income
  • Standard IV: Using Credit
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