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Office of Minority & Women Inclusion (OMWI) Reports & Workforce Data

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors and each Federal Reserve Bank established an Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) in January 2011, pursuant to Section 342 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd Frank). OMWI is responsible for all matters related to diversity in management, employment, and business activities including developing standards for:

  • Equal employment opportunity and racial, ethnic and gender diversity at all levels of the workforce
  • Increased participation of minority-owned and women-owned businesses in programs and contracts

OMWI Reports to Congress

Each Reserve Bank is required to submit an annual report to Congress on its respective efforts to comply with Dodd Frank as it relates to contracting with qualified minority and women-owned businesses; assessing internal diversity and performing outreach to women and minorities; and assessing workforce diversity of contractors.

The Richmond Fed provides a comprehensive account of our successes, challenges and next steps to deliver on these areas of focus in our annual OMWI Report to Congress.

Previous Reports

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Workforce Data

  • Hispanic or Latino
    Job CategoryMaleFemaleNot Specified
    Executive/Sr Level Officials100
    First/Mid Level Officials1470
    Sale Workers000
    Administrative Support Workers050
    Craft Workers100
    Laborers and Helpers100
    Service Workers900

    EEO-1 Data December 31, 2023

    1. This information serves as a general snapshot of our Bank's overall employee composition to give the public a sense of who works for us. The race and gender categories as well as job categories are created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and are the industry standard to measure and compare employee populations. At this time, other diversity groups that employees may identify themselves with — like religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability — are not measured or required to be reported to the EEOC in the same way.
  • Non-Hispanic or Latino Male
    Job CategoryAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian/
    Other Pacific Islander
    Two or More RacesWhiteNot SpecifiedGrand Total
    Executive/Sr Level Officials031017012
    First/Mid Level Officials53547102503341
    Sales Workers00000101
    Administrative Support Workers00000314
    Craft Workers11130124040
    Laborers and Helpers00200305
    Service Workers04310138175

    EEO-1 Data December 31, 2023

    1. This information serves as a general snapshot of our Bank's overall employee composition to give the public a sense of who works for us. The race and gender categories as well as job categories are created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and are the industry standard to measure and compare employee populations. At this time, other diversity groups that employees may identify themselves with — like religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability — are not measured or required to be reported to the EEOC in the same way.
    2. Eight employees whose roles are categorized as Professionals chose not to disclose race/ethnicity or gender.
  • Non-Hispanic or Latino Female
    Job CategoryAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian/
    Other Pacific Islander
    Two or More RacesWhiteNot SpecifiedGrand Total
    Executive/Sr Level Officials010009010
    First/Mid Level Officials02247011282200
    Sales Workers00000101
    Administrative Support Workers01270239170
    Craft Workers00000000
    Laborers and Helpers00000101
    Service Workers009105015

    EEO-1 Data December 31, 2023

    1. This information serves as a general snapshot of our Bank's overall employee composition to give the public a sense of who works for us. The race and gender categories as well as job categories are created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and are the industry standard to measure and compare employee populations. At this time, other diversity groups that employees may identify themselves with — like religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability — are not measured or required to be reported to the EEOC in the same way.
    2. Eight employees whose roles are categorized as Professionals chose not to disclose race/ethnicity or gender.
  • Overall Totals
    Job CategoryGrand Total
    Executive/Sr Level Officials23
    First/Mid Level Officials562
    Sales Workers2
    Administrative Support Workers79
    Craft Workers41
    Laborers and Helpers7
    Service Workers99

    EEO-1 Data December 31, 2023

    1. This information serves as a general snapshot of our Bank's overall employee composition to give the public a sense of who works for us. The race and gender categories as well as job categories are created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and are the industry standard to measure and compare employee populations. At this time, other diversity groups that employees may identify themselves with — like religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability — are not measured or required to be reported to the EEOC in the same way.

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