Annual Report - 2016

Reviews economic conditions in the Fifth District during 2016 and includes the article "Understanding Urban Decline"
Message from the Interim President
Mark L. Mullinix discusses why the Richmond Fed studies urban issues, the topic of this year's Annual Report essay.
Feature Essay: "Understanding Urban Decline"
Senior policy economist Santiago Pinto and economics writer Tim Sablik discuss the forces that drive urbanization and the factors that determine where firms and households locate within cities. Pinto and Sablik also evaluate a variety of place-based and people-based policy responses to urban decline. Because every city is different, the authors caution that revitalization efforts that worked for one city may not work for another.
Fifth District Economic Report
A summary of economic conditions in the Fifth District during 2016
Boards of Directors and Advisory Councils
Photos and listings of the Bank's boards of directors and advisory councils
Officers and Senior Professionals
Photo of the Richmond Fed's Management Committee and a listing of the Bank's officers and senior professionals
Federal Reserve Information Technology (FRIT)
Photo of the FRIT Management Council and a listing of FRIT officers and senior professionals