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Past Webinar

student cap and gown
Wed., May 5, 2021

After High School

College enrollment is down. We’ll talk with administrators and educators at community colleges and four-year schools about keeping students engaged in education and helping them find the path to the workforce that’s best for them.

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This event is part one of the two-part District Dialogues series finale, which will address the effects of educational disparities and COVID-19 on student outcomes beyond high school, including college enrollment and entrance into the workforce.

For more information on part two of the series finale, including agenda and featured speakers, visit the Session 6: Connecting People to Jobs event page. Part two will immediately follow the part one premiere on Wednesday, May 5. Registrants will receive a single link to view both parts of the finale on the Richmond Fed YouTube channel.


Who Should Attend

This series is open to anyone interested in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, including educators, school administrators, state and local policymakers, workforce development professionals, and community and business leaders.


headshot of Laura Ullrich
Senior Regional Economist
President, Germanna Community College
Sarah Hemminger
CEO and co-founder, Thread
Wayne Frederick
President, Howard University
Angel Cabrera
President, Georgia Institute of Technology
meredith woo
President, Sweet Briar College


  • Wednesday, May 5, 2021
    01:00 pm

    Laura Ullrich, Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

    01:05 pm

    Community Spotlight: Vance County, North Carolina
    Community colleges often serve the populations most likely to experience educational disparities. Vance-Granville Community College, which serves four counties considered “economically distressed” by the state of North Carolina, has found innovative ways to support its students even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our regional economist Laura Ullrich traveled to Vance County to learn more about how they are connecting students to employment and attracting employers.
    Jerry Edmonds III, vice president of workforce development, Vance-Granville Community College
    Lou Grillo, director of workforce development, Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments and Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board

    01:10 pm

    Discussion: Supporting Students with Wraparound Services
    Janet Gullickson, president, Germanna Community College
    Sarah Hemminger, CEO and co-founder, Thread
    Laura Ullrich, Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

    01:25 pm

    In Conversation: COVID-19 and Postsecondary Education
    Wayne Frederick, president, Howard University
    Laura Ullrich, Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

    01:40 pm

    Discussion: Addressing Challenges at Four-Year Institutions
    Ángel Cabrera, president, Georgia Institute of Technology
    Meredith Woo, president, Sweet Briar College
    Laura Ullrich, Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

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