Annual Report - 1999

Reviews the Bank's operations and includes the article entitled "The Role of a Regional Bank in a System of Central Banks"
Message from the President and First Vice President
Al Broaddus and Walter Varvel outline the Richmond Fed's activities in 1999 and the state of the economy.
Feature Article: "The Role of a Regional Bank in a System of Central Banks"
In this article, Marvin Goodfriend assesses the role of a Reserve Bank in the Federal Reserve System. The author compares the Eurosystem with the Fed and offers suggestions for the Eurosystem based on the Fed's experience.
Year In Review
Highlights of the Richmond Fed's accomplishments in economic research and public outreach, banking supervision, and financial services and other operations.
Boards of Directors and Advisory Groups
Photos and listings of the Bank's directors and members of its advisory groups.
Administrative changes and a listing of Bank officers.
Financial Statements
Comparative financial statements and footnotes for 1999. Also includes Management Assertion and Report of Independent Auditors.