Annual Report - 2017

Reviews economic conditions in the Fifth District during 2017 and includes the article "Falling Short: Why Isn't the U.S. Producing More College Graduates?"
Message from the Board of Directors
The board's chair and deputy chair discuss the process of choosing a new president to lead the Richmond Fed.
Message from the Interim President
Mark L. Mullinix discusses why education matters to the Richmond Fed.
Feature Essay: Falling Short
Why is the United States not producing more college graduates, especially in light of the large and persistent wage gap between workers who graduate from college and those who do not? Senior policy economist Urvi Neelakantan and economics writer Jessie Romero consider several factors that may help answer the question, including inadequate preparation during students' K-12 years. They discuss how K-12 preparation varies with socioeconomic status and how "school-choice" initiatives are intended to give more children access to high-quality schools.
Fifth District Economic Report
A summary of economic conditions in the Fifth District during 2017
Bank at Work
Learn about the key functions of the Richmond Fed that the Bank performs around the clock every day.
Boards of Directors and Advisory Councils
Photos and listings of the Bank's boards of directors and advisory councils
Bank Officers and Senior Professionals
Photo of the Richmond Fed's Management Committee and a listing of the Bank's officers and senior professionals
National IT Officers and Senior Professionals
Photo of the National IT Management Council and a listing of National IT officers and senior professionals