Econ Focus (formerly Region Focus) is the economics magazine of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. It covers economic issues affecting the Fifth Federal Reserve District and the nation and is published on a quarterly basis by the Bank's Research Department.
Econ Focus
Summer 2004
Cover Story
Retraining programs throughout the Fifth District are preparing displaced manufacturing workers for new niches in the global economy.
The Downzoning Effect
When rural communities lower the density of residential development, the merits of land conversation collide with market forces. What happens next?
Spanning the Chesapeake Bay
For 40 years, the world's largest bridge-tunnel has connected the Virginia maniland to the Delmarva Peninsula.
On the Outside Looking In
Millions of Americans do not use conventional banking services, but is that necessarily bad?
Blowing in the Wind
North Carolina acts to cup upwind pollution.
What the Doctor Ordered?
The economics of drug reimportation.
Department |
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Federal Reserve |
Jargon Alert |
Research Spotlight |
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News From Around the District | |
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Economic History |
Book Review |
Legislative Update |
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