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Foreign Housing Finance

America’s housing finance system — including its hefty government
support — is unique in the world. As reform progresses, the models
of other developed nations could provide some insight.

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Ellis, Luci. “The Housing Meltdown: Why Did It Happen In the United States?” Bank for International Settlements Working Paper No. 259, September 2008.

European Covered Bond Fact Book, 5th Edition. European Covered Bond Council, September 2010. (E-mail registration access).

Housing Finance and Financial Stability – Back to Basics?” Global Financial Stability Report. International Monetary Fund, April 2011. 

Glick, Reuven and Kevin Lansin. “Global Household Leverage, House Prices, and Consumption.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter No. 2010-01, Jan. 11, 2010.

Green, Richard, and Susan Wachter. “The Housing Finance Revolution.” Proceedings of the 31st Annual Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium, 2007.

Kiff, John. “Canadian Residential Mortgage Markets: Boring But Effective?” IMF Working Paper No. WP/09/130, June 2009.

Lea, Michael. “Alternative Forms of Mortgage Finance: What Can We Learn From Other Countries?” Paper prepared for Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies National Symposium. Revised April 14, 2010.

Lea, Michael. “International Comparison of Mortgage Product Offerings.” Research Institute for Housing America Special Report, September 2010.

Lea, Michael and Anthony Sanders. “Do We Need the 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage?” George Mason University Mercatus Center Working Paper No. 11-15, March 2011.

Moench, Emanuel, James Vickery, and Diego Aragon. “Why is the Market Share of Adjustable Rate Mortgages So Low?” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Current Issues in Economics and Finance, vol. 16, no. 8, December 2010.

Reforming America’s Housing Finance Market: A Report to Congress.” U.S. Department of the Treasury and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, February 2011.

Surti, Jay. “Can Covered Bonds Resuscitate Residential Mortgage Finance in the United States?” IMF Working Paper No. WP/10/277, December 2010.

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