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Thomas I. Barkin

Tom Barkin

President and Chief Executive Officer

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Tom Barkin is the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. He has held this position since 2018.

Tom serves as a voting member on the Fed’s chief monetary policy body, the Federal Open Market Committee, and is also responsible for the Richmond Fed’s bank supervision and the Federal Reserve’s technology organization. He is “on the ground” continually in the Fed’s Fifth District, which covers South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, D.C., West Virginia and Maryland. His engagement in the region has brought real attention to areas facing economic challenges. 

Prior to joining the Richmond Fed, Tom was a senior partner and CFO at McKinsey & Company, a worldwide management consulting firm, where he also oversaw McKinsey’s offices in the southern United States.

Tom earned his bachelor’s, MBA and law degrees from Harvard University.

Tom’s Public Engagement #AroundOurDistrict

Tom is passionate about engaging firsthand with business, civic and community leaders in the regions served by the Richmond Fed. These meetings provide insight into how the Fifth District economy is faring, informing Tom’s monetary policy perspective. Click on the shaded areas of this interactive map to learn more about his public engagement, and follow the hashtag #AroundOurDistrict on social media for up-to-date news on his visits and on the Bank's work in our communities. For a running schedule of Tom’s public engagements download the data file below.


Schedule of Public Engagement


Recent Essays & Speeches

June 28, 2024

President Tom Barkin explores why it has been particularly challenging to predict the path of the economy over the last few years.

Global Interdependence Center's Central Banking Series
Banque de France
May 6, 2024

President Tom Barkin reflects on recent data and shares his view on where the U.S. economy is headed.

Columbia Rotary Club
Seawell’s Catering
Columbia, South Carolina
April 4, 2024

President Tom Barkin explores different ways to look at recent data, and then gives his own perspective.

Home Building Association of Richmond
Williams Mullen
Richmond, Virginia

Tom’s Perspective

May 11, 2024

Tom joins Gavin Jackson of South Carolina ETV to talk about the differences in economies across the Fifth District and how they relate to the broader economy.

May 6, 2024

In his latest “Worth Watching: Economic Insights with Tom Barkin,” Tom shares how one small business has evolved its thinking on pricing.

May 6, 2024

The Odd Lots podcast hosts join Tom on a community conversation in North Carolina to see and hear firsthand how Tom uses on-the-ground conversations to shape his views on the economy and monetary policy.

Jan. 8, 2024

In our new Worth Watching series, Tom shares what he is keeping an eye on. In this recording, Tom delves into one area worth watching: the impact of high interest rates on the economy.

Nov. 29, 2023

Tom and CNBC’s Steve Liesman discuss the disconnect between data releases and what Tom is hearing on-the-ground across the Fifth District, what he’s anticipating for 2024, and the potential path for inflation.

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