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Program Recap

District Dialogues: The Economics of Aging America
Tue., Aug. 9, 2022

The Economics of an Aging America

The Richmond Fed hosted its third installment of District Dialogues on August 9, 2022, both in person and virtually. The program featured a panel discussion with leading experts who shared their perspectives on the economic impact of aging in America. The conversation kicked off with an overview of demographic trends and a definition of aging. Panelists shared their insights on the economic and social impacts of an aging population, the challenges and opportunities experienced by families as loved ones age, and policies and program supports that can minimize challenges associated with aging.

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Moderator and Panelists

headshot of Renee Haltom
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Gigi Amateau
VCU College of Health Professions
headshot of John Bailey Jones
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
photo of Genevieve Waterman
National Council on Aging

Who Should Attend

This event is open to people of all ages interested in the economics of an aging America, including members of the public, educators, school administrators, state and local policymakers, workforce development professionals, and community and business leaders.

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