5E Educator - Fall 2011

In this edition of the 5E Educator, two articles shed light on the causes of – and possible impediments to – recoveries. These articles pose such critical questions as: What factors determine the strength of recoveries? Why has unemployment been so severe? We hope these articles and accompanying activities encourage students to consider the underlying causes and complexities of economic recoveries and generate meaningful discussion about what lies ahead.
In This Issue
What Causes Recoveries? How good policy and good luck can trigger the upward side of the business cycle
Ever wonder what factors contribute to economicrecoveries?
A Recovery Mind Meld, or The Amazing Race, a Matching Game
Jobless Recoveries: Causes and Consequences
What are some of the short- and long-termimplications associated with a jobless recovery?
Beyond the Textbook
Teaching tips and resources for your classroom
Heard Over the P.A.
Notable events in the Fifth District and tour information