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Richmond Fed Creates Center for Advancing Women in Economics

Photo of Arantxa and Marina with the Center for Advancing Women in Economics
Senior policy economist Arantxa Jarque and senior economist Marina Azzimonti are spearheading the creation of the Center for Advancing Women in Economics.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond announced today that it has created the Center for Advancing Women in Economics to champion diversity in the field. Led by Richmond Fed senior economist Marina Azzimonti and senior policy economist Arantxa Jarque, the Center will work to champion diversity in the field of economics and enrich economic research and policymaking by mentoring, connecting and promoting the high-quality research of women.

“Establishing the Center for Advancing Women in Economics signifies our Bank’s commitment to ensuring the full participation of women in the profession,” said Azzimonti, director of the new Center. “We want to strengthen the growing network of women economists in academia and central banking by helping women create and sustain a successful career path in the field.”

Logo for the Center for Advancing Women in Economics

The Center for Advancing Women in Economics seeks to champion diversity in economic research by mentoring and connecting women, and promoting their high-quality research.

According to a 2022 survey by the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, a standing committee of the American Economic Association, women are still underrepresented in the field despite progress in recent decades. In 2022, women accounted for only 34% of individuals earning a Ph.D. in economics and only 24% of individuals in tenure-track positions at institutions with doctoral programs.

“Because women are underrepresented among researchers in economics, it is important to bring them into our network to help us understand the needs of everyone in the communities we serve,” said Jarque, the Center’s associate director. “We created the Center to help us do just that.”

An annual fellowship program for junior women economists will serve as the cornerstone of the Center’s efforts. Fellows will receive personalized mentorship opportunities and be invited to participate in key economic conferences and networking events, including the Richmond Fed’s CORE Week program and brownbag seminars.

In addition to the fellowship program, the Center will regularly spotlight the research and experiences of women economists to amplify their work and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

To learn more about the Center, visit the Center for Advancing Women in Economics site.

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