Econ Focus (formerly Region Focus) is the economics magazine of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. It covers economic issues affecting the Fifth Federal Reserve District and the nation and is published on a quarterly basis by the Bank's Research Department.
Econ Focus
Summer 2003
Cover Story
A closer look at how military spending affects Fifth District communities in times of war and peace.
Liquid Assets
Who should sell hard liquor in the Fifth District — state-run monopolies or private companies?
May I See Your License, Please?
Excessive occupational licensing can cost consumers money without necessarily increasing quality or protection.
Seeing the Light
Communities in Catawba County, N.C., supported the growth of optical fiber and cable producers to help maintain the county's manufacturing sector.
No Silver Bullet
Tax and spending limits, though often useful, can't cure all budgetary ills.
Department |
Article |
Additional Resources |
Noteworthy |
Federal Reserve |
Legislative Update |
Short Takes |
News From Around the District | |
Jargon Alert |
Research Spotlight |
Interview |
Economic History |
District |
State Economic Conditions |
Opinion |
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