The inaugural Marvin Goodfriend lecture, given by Hugo Hopenhayn, discussed how intellectual property rights must trade off incentives for innovation and knowledge diffusion.
Marvin Goodfriend's Legacy
This space honors Marvin Goodfriend’s legacy and features his research, policy papers, and reflections on his life and work. It also provides information about the Marvin S. Goodfriend Conference and Goodfriend Memorial Lecture series.
The Richmond Fed hosted CORE Week and also launched the Goodfriend Memorial Lecture in early May.
Among the topics covered at the Marvin Goodfriend conference were Fed bond facilities' impact on corporate credit risk and how trade leads to a global Phillips curve.
Alex Wolman and Robert King reflect on the life and legacy of Marvin Goodfriend. Throughout his career, Goodfriend wrote a number of influential papers on monetary policy and played a key role in the development of the Richmond Fed's Research Department.
An examination of Marvin Goodfriend and Robert G. King's "The Incredible Volcker Disinflation" paper.