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Past Conference

scene of economists around a table collaborating branded for CORE Week events
Mon., Oct. 30, 2023 - Fri., Nov. 3, 2023


The Collaboration of Research Economists (CORE) model combines frontier research and an innovative delivery method to advance collaboration within the economics profession.

The CORE model consists of eight CORE Weeks per year. During each week, visiting economists from a range of disciplines will join with Richmond Fed economists for seminars, conferences, and formal and informal networking and collaboration—all with an eye toward advancing economic research.  

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Presenters and Visiting Economists

headshot of Mark Bils
University of Rochester
Seoul National University
headshot of Fatih Guvenen
University of Minnesota
headshot of Joseph Kaboski
University of Notre Dame
headshot of Lisa Kahn
University of Rochester
headshot of Nitya Pandalai-Nayar
University of Michigan
headshot of Laura Pilossoph
Duke University
headshot of Nicholas Trachter
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
headshot of Ansgar Walther
Imperial College London
headshot of Mark Watson
FRBR Long-Term Consultant,
Princeton University


Future CORE Weeks


  • December 11 – December 15
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