The Great Job Reshuffling
"How Domestic Outsourcing Affects the Labor Market," Economic Brief No. 23-36, November 2023
"A Penny for Your Thoughts? How Survey Comments Help Us Understand Our Region's Labor Market," Regional Matters, October 19, 2023
"A Look at the Impact of the Work-From-Home Revolution," Economic Brief No. 23-28, August 2023
"Changing Recruiting Practices and Methods in the Tight Labor Market," Economic Brief No. 22-36, September 2022
Third, there was a shift in employee attitudes. The most obvious place is in a preference for remote work. Jobs that can provide days at home have rocketed up the hierarchy. But there seems to be an even broader change in employee willingness to trade off intangibles. My travels in the Fifth District drive this home. I talked to a coal company that in part can't hire miners, despite high pay, because cell phones don't work in the mine shaft. And I heard from a manufacturer in South Carolina that was losing workers to the Bojangles down the street. The pay gap between the two companies may have shrunk, yes. But the attrition seemed more linked to the ability to control work schedules and work in an indoor environment. Conditions taken in stride prior to the pandemic, such as last-minute overtime shifts or grueling physical labor, seem to require more of a premium now.
How Employers Are Reacting
Those employers caught short aren't standing still.
Many are investing to increase the supply of labor. This is good for workers, good for growth, and good for reducing inflationary pressure. I hear of a number of efforts to bring in new workers off the sidelines, through training partnerships with community colleges, apprenticeships and internships, and investments to reduce barriers to work like transportation, child care, and access to housing. This investment in talent could be particularly important given the impact of the pandemic on the social and educational preparedness of those entering the workforce.
Others are investing to reduce demand for labor. You can see that clearly in hotels, where housekeeping is no longer always automatic every day, and many lounges are still closed. More fundamentally, wage and staffing pressure has made automation more economically compelling. McKinsey Global Institute estimates that automation, including AI, could replace tasks that account for about 30 percent of the hours worked in the United States by 2030. All else equal, these investments are also likely disinflationary and increase capacity for growth. But, while the buzz around automation and AI is inescapable, most jobs won't change overnight.
And, of course, we are seeing employers fight their way up the job hierarchy by adjusting wages, benefits, and the work environment. Some are doing so by improving working conditions, limiting overtime or last-minute scheduling, offering more flexible work arrangements, or installing air conditioning. But those who can afford to reprice are doing so, raising wages to remain competitive. After all, workers expect more now. The New York Fed's Survey of Consumer Expectations suggests that the average reservation wage — the lowest wage someone would accept for a new job — has increased over 20 percent from its pre-pandemic level. This has been quite visible in recent labor negotiations between unions and parcel companies, airlines, and autos, but it's true in nonunion environments, too.
It's worth noting that these wage gains are unlikely to reverse. Simply put, nominal wages seldom decline — even in a recession. And in today's environment of strong demand, employers who are losing out on workers eventually will raise their wages to match. We can expect the net effect to be inflationary, barring any adjustments to monetary policy.
What's Ahead?
It is hard to know how this will balance out. Will labor supply come back even further as employers invest in training and retirees find themselves bored or squeezed? Will labor demand settle as automation rolls out or as the economy weakens? Will employees return to their pre-COVID-19 preferences? Or will employers bite the bullet and increase wages and then prices even further?
The range of potential outcomes, to me, is still pretty broad. That's why I supported our decisions to hold rates steady at the last several Federal Open Market Committee meetings. We have time to see whether we've done enough. The path forward to me depends on whether we can convince ourselves inflationary pressures are behind us, or whether we see them persisting. I will be watching the labor market closely for those signals.
A longer version of this essay was delivered as an address to the Money Marketeers of New York University on Sept. 28, 2023.
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