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Industry Roundtables help us collect information and insight from businesses and community leaders across the Fifth District to deepen our understanding of economic conditions to inform monetary policymaking.

The Richmond Fed’s Industry Roundtables are essential to our understanding of economic conditions and developments in our District. Conversations with business and community leaders, who are well-versed in their own business and industries and have a keen sense of how their business relates to the broader economy, provide insights that cannot be found in data alone.

For example, these conversations help us discern what might be driving strength or weakness in a particular economic indicator. They also give us an early sense at how dynamics might be shifting before these changes show up in the data. The robust interactions among roundtable participants also enhance our understanding of the linkages between different sectors of the economy. These insights provide monetary policymakers with a rich and timely view of economic conditions in the region.

Roundtable Membership

Industry roundtable members represent industries across the District. Roundtables meet two to three times per year and include 12 to 16 members from a diverse mix of sectors. Each roundtable also includes at least one member with a community development or workforce development perspective, from institutions such as community colleges, nonprofits or CDFIs. The membership term is three years.

Roundtable Contacts

The Roundtables are run by our Fifth District Regional Economists and Regional Executives.  Please reach out to them if you are interested in learning more.

North and South Carolina

headshot of Laura Ullrich
Director of the Community College Initiative
Management Committee member Matt Martin
Regional Executive

Maryland, West Virginia and D.C.

headshot of Adam Scavette
Regional Economist
headshot of Andy Bauer
Vice President and Regional Executive


Joseph Mengedoth, Regional Economist
Regional Economist
headshot of Renee Haltom
Vice President and Regional Executive

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