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A Life-Changing Opportunity: Nykia Banks’s Richmond Fed Story

Our News
Dec. 18, 2019
Nykia Banks

There’s a unique and untold story within every Richmond Fed employee. For example, Nykia Banks transitioned from a temporary assignment to a permanent role within one year and leveraged a number of the Fed’s benefits to change her and her family’s life forever. Here’s her #MyRichmondFed story:

My journey at the Fed began while sitting poolside with my daughter. She was swimming and I was submitting my resume to every job search engine you could think of. I was in desperate need of an opportunity to help me better provide for my family.

The same day, I received a phone call from a temp agency based in Atlanta, Georgia. This call would change my life forever, but I wasn’t aware of that at the time. I answered the call and promptly said thank you and no thank you. I didn’t have the resources to move my family across states for a temporary job, nor did I think I had the time to waste on a dead end call. To my surprise, the recruiter called me back. My transparency captured her attention and made it clear that the opportunity she had available was destined for me.

Fast forward a year and two temporary positions later, I landed a permanent role in the Currency Technology Office. Getting this role was no easy feat, but I was determined to make something great out of the temporary opportunity that I was granted. I showed up ready to work and took on any projects that came my way. I also made sure to build relationships with everyone that I worked with, which played a significant part in establishing my career.

In more ways than one, the Fed has changed my life and I’m grateful for the opportunity to work here. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

The Fed used to be a foreign place and now it’s like home. The organization and employees have nurtured my career and outlook on life. I no longer have to worry about homelessness and financial uncertainties. I can focus on providing for my two daughters and elderly mother, in addition to continuing my education and making an impact in the community that once served me. In more ways than one, the Fed has changed my life and I’m grateful for the opportunity to work here. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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