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Shortened Econ Focus cover with soldiers standing at attention
Second Quarter 2022

In this issue: the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the future of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, central bank digital currency, and more.

Cover Story

Richmond Fed employee Mike Bermudez

Fewer veterans are using their education benefits. Is this trend a problem — or a sign of a more welcoming job market?

President's Message

Thomas I. Barkin

Small towns have an opportunity to address challenges from health care to transportation, but there are barriers to accessing funding.


Money and Banks

The dollar has been the global currency of choice for nearly a century, but in light of recent U.S.-led financial sanctions, some wonder whether that status will endure.


Tyler Cowen

George Mason University economist on credentialism, the new math of causation, and the lasting economic influence of youthful experiences.

JFK meets with the Council of Appalachian Governors in 1960

The Appalachian Regional Commission, created in the 1960s, became a model for regional economic development programs.

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