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Community Scope


2016, Issue 3

This issue of Community Scope will offer a broad overview of the challenges faced by today’s watermen that may be precipitating their declining numbers and will discuss alternative and supplemental employment options that may be available to them.

Jack Cooper and Emily Wavering Corcoran

2016, Issue 2

This issue of Community Scope examines the patterns in geographic service provision by respondent CDFIs in urban, rural, low- and moderate-income (LMI), underserved and distressed markets and areas.

Volume 4, Issue 1 2016

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Community Development department  conducts a biennial survey of community development financial institutions  (CDFIs) in the Southeast region of the United States. This issue of Community  Scope uses the results of the 2015 survey to present timely key findings on  CDFI activity in the Southeast, including capitalization, demand, capacity,  non-lending programs and services, and impact investing. We find growing demand  for the products and services offered by CDFIs, including small business loans,  financial education and technical assistance. CDFIs, however, continue to face  financial constraints in responding to this demand.

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