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Economic Brief

December 2022, No. 22-51

A new paper finds evidence of causal effects of historical redlining on present-day exposure to environmental and climate risks in six large U.S. cities.

December 2022, No. 22-50

Many students use two-year colleges to determine whether they should go on to a four-year college.

Samira Gholami and Nicholas Trachter

December 2022, No. 22-49

One of the most striking differences between Black and White households is a large disparity in wealth. A potential source of this gap is differences in transfers of wealth within families through bequests or gifts.

December 2022, No. 22-48

Monetary policy, marriage, college admissions, and discrimination and socioeconomic outcomes were among the topics discussed at our recent conference.

November 2022, No. 22-47

Examining commuting behavior helps show how connected counties are in the Fifth Federal Reserve District.

November 2022, No. 22-46

The lockdowns resulting from COVID-19 provide an opportunity to examine what factors affect the strength of supply chains.

Claire Conzelmann, Nicolas Morales, Gaurav Khanna and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar

November 2022, No. 22-45

For some underperforming employees, employers might prefer using suspension rather than outright termination.

November 2022, No. 22-44

Pandemic-era unemployment insurance affected recoveries of low-wage job markets and high-wage job markets differently.

Andreas Hornstein, Marios Karabarbounis, André Kurmann and Etienne Lalé

October 2022, No. 22-43

Techniques at the frontiers of econometrics were addressed by economists during a recent research conference.

John Mullin

October 2022, No. 22-42

Tariffs, property rights and producing inputs versus buying them: These were among the topics discussed at our recent conference.

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