Pierre-Daniel Sarte and Sonya Waddell share survey results on businesses' use of AI tools and other forms of automation, and research on the potential effects of automation on the nation's overall productivity growth. Sarte is a senior advisor and Waddell is a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
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As the capabilities of generative AI continue to improve, the CFO Survey can provide us insights on the impact these tools are having on firms and the growth of their productivity.
Technology improvements may not matter as much as the age and experience of the workforce.
Firms continue to innovate and automate, although responses from Fifth District business respondents illustrate that we are in the early days of AI adoption.
Nearly two-thirds of CFOs say their companies have a strategic priority to automate tasks typically performed by employees. Among firms that plan to automate in the next 12 months, a majority expect to implement AI to perform a wide range of tasks.
What are early studies suggesting about how AI may impact labor productivity?