Economic Brief
Peru shows that a brisk pace of job reallocation has the potential to significantly inhibit occupational skill specialization, potentially contributing to human capital and productivity deficits.
Several factors may have been permanently altered since the onset of the pandemic.
Policies aimed at helping specific sectors better adopt new technologies might see better returns when targeting sectors that affect a wide range of others.
A progressive tax system may reduce the incentive for households to increase their income.
Technology improvements may not matter as much as the age and experience of the workforce.
What do commuting patterns look like for Fifth District counties, and what do they tell us about a county's residents?
How has college tuition trended recently, and why?
Evidence from Hurricane Irma suggests that weather events can significantly impact mortgage defaults.
The effects of classifying neighborhoods by riskiness of home lending in the 1930s may still have modest effects on interest rates and fees today.
Economic policy uncertainty rises significantly leading up to an election and stays elevated for a couple months after the election is over.