Economic Impact of COVID-19
National Impacts
Economic Brief, December 2021, No. 21-40Economic Brief, November 2021, No. 21-39Special Reports, November 10, 2021Economic Brief, June 2021, No. 21-19Economic Brief, June 2021, No. 21-18Economic Brief, May 2021, No. 21-16Special Reports, March 3, 2021Economic Brief, February 2021, No. 21-06Economic Brief, February 2021, No. 21-05Economic Brief, January 2021, No. 21-01Special Reports, November 12, 2020Economic Brief, October 2020, No. 20-11Working Paper Series, September 2020, No. 20-13Econ Focus, Second/Third Quarter 2020Econ Focus, Second/Third Quarter 2020Econ Focus, Second/Third Quarter 2020Working Paper Series, September 2020, No. 20-12Special Reports, September 4, 2020Economic Brief, September 2020, No. 20-10Special Reports, August 27, 2020Working Paper Series, August 2020, No. 20-10Special Reports, August 20, 2020Special Reports, July 9, 2020Economic Brief, July 2020, No. 20-08Special Reports, July 2, 2020Special Reports, June 18, 2020Economic Brief, June 2020, No. 20-07Special Reports, May 27, 2020Special Reports, May 26, 2020Special Reports, May 22, 2020Econ Focus, First Quarter 2020Special Reports, May 15, 2020Working Paper Series, May 2020, No. 20-04Special Reports, May 13, 2020Special Reports, May 12, 2020Special Reports, May 8, 2020Economic Brief, May 2020, No. 20-06Economic Brief, April 2020, No. 20-05Special Reports, April 17, 2020Special Reports, April 16, 2020Special Reports, April 13, 2020Special Reports, March 31, 2020Special Reports, March 30, 2020Special Reports, March 23, 2020
Regional Impacts
Regional Matters, December 22, 2022
Results from a recent national Fed survey show that community development financial institutions (CDFIs) and the communities they serve are facing less severe disruptions than last year. Still, staffing and other challenges are preventing CDFIs from fully meeting growing demand for their products and services.
Regional Matters, September 30, 2021The labor force was pushed into a massive remote work experiment in 2020. What are employers in the Fifth District planning, and what challenges do they anticipate?
Regional Matters, June 17, 2021Regional Matters, May 27, 2021Regional businesses are returning to pre-COVID-19 operations as workers return to the office and business travel picks up.
Regional Matters, May 3, 2021The economic recovery enabled by the vaccine rollout has increased demand for Fifth District goods and services. But can supply keep up with demand?
Regional Matters, April 22, 2021Regional Matters, April 1, 2021Surveyed firms shared how the balance of remote versus in-office work has shifted in the past year and what changes they anticipate in the future.
Regional Matters, March 25, 2021Regional Matters, February 26, 2021Regional Matters, February 1, 2021Regional Matters, January 7, 2021Regional Matters, December 18, 2020Firms report how the coronavirus is influencing their employment levels, hiring plans, and wages in our annual survey.
Regional Matters, November 20, 2020Regional Matters, November 13, 2020Regional Matters, November 9, 2020Regional Matters, October 20, 2020Regional Matters, September 30, 2020Regional Matters, September 17, 2020Regional Matters, September 3, 2020Businesses report on their progress since the start of the pandemic in our July and August surveys.
Regional Matters, September 1, 2020July data from the Household Pulse Survey reveals some of the reasons people have not been working and how households met their spending needs.
Regional Matters, August 28, 2020Regional Matters, July 2, 2020The COVID-19 pandemic has put housing stability at the forefront of public policy discussions.
Regional Matters, June 24, 2020Regional Matters, June 17, 2020The number of job postings dropped considerably in the United States and the Fifth District in March and April but showed signs of recovery in May.
Regional Matters, May 29, 2020While most businesses surveyed have suffered some negative effects and loss of revenue as result of COVID-19, most remained open and operating, at least partially.
Regional Matters, May 14, 2020Regional Matters, April 30, 2020Regional Matters, April 16, 2020Regional Matters, April 13, 2020Between mid-March and early April, more than 360,000 Virginians filed for unemployment. What does this mean for employment measures and the state's economy?
Related Content
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Recent Richmond Fed research has shed new light on the functioning of the discount window and the role that stigma may play in achieving desirable outcomes.
Econ Focus, Second Quarter 2017Economic Brief, January 2014, No. 14-01In response to the financial crisis and recession of 2007-09, the federal government enacted a number of emergency fiscal policies intended to aid recovery. However, the unconventional and transitory nature of these fiscal policies may have contributed to greater economic uncertainty.